Cultural Relevance
& Divine Creativity

The Center for Latter-day Saint Arts exists at the intersection of cultural relevance and divine creativity. We believe that God is the ultimate creator and that art is the common language of our human experience. We draw from a diverse spectrum of Latter-day Saint creators to connect with a worldwide audience – artistically, intellectually and spiritually.



To be the cultural and artistic hub for Latter-day Saints all over the world.

About the Center

The Center for Latter-day Saint Arts traces its origins to acclaimed author/historian Richard Bushman, who envisioned a broader platform for Latter-day Saint arts beyond academic scholarship. Inspired by the idea that promoting the arts was the next frontier for Latter-day Saint culture, Bushman turned to Glen Nelson, founder of the Mormon Artists Group (MAG), which had a history of supporting artists through exhibitions, commissions, and archival work. Together, they built on MAG’s foundation, forming a team that included Allyson Chard, Jenna and Jeffrey Holt, and Dave Checketts. Their collective efforts led to the creation of the Center and its flagship festival.

Today, the Center continues to expand opportunities for Latter-day Saint artists and audiences through exhibitions, publications, and a wealth of programs including the annual Artists Residency at the Center, the Come, Follow Me (Art Companion), The Ariel Bybee Endowment, and its longstanding tradition of festivals.

Watch: The Future of the Center