
The Better Part: Women, Art, Faith

The Center for Latter-day Saints Dallas Festival

The Center’s first satellite festival took take place in Dallas, Texas, on February 7-8th, 2020 at the Museum of Biblical Art (7500 Park Lane).

Highlights included:

Keynote address by Sister Sharon Eubank, First Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Director of Latter-day Saint Charities.

Line Upon Line: Jorge Cocco’s Sacrocubist Images of Christ (An exhibition by Jorge Cocco Santángelo).

Leaving Eden: Meditations on Transformation (A group exhibition of LDS Women Artists curated by Ashlee Whitaker).

Presentations by Neylan McBaine, Jeannie S. Welch and John W. Welch, Heather Belnap, Kristine Haglund, Richard Bushman, Glen Nelson and others.

Programming for children & families.

Travel stipends for performers and scholars were generously provided by the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Foundation.

The Center for Latter-day Saint Arts is delighted to be working with art patrons in Dallas-Fort Worth in the production of a festival here. Although based in New York City, the Center has always considered the nation—and even the world—as its potential audience. We are interested in promoting Latter-day Saint artists wherever they are practicing, and want everyone to recognize the rich artistic tradition of the Latter-day Saint people.
The Dallas festival came to be because a small group of visionaries here...had the temerity to take on the responsibility for pulling it together. They have created an exhibition and program that we all can be proud of. We hope the events of this weekend will awaken us to the art that is being produced all around us by creative people of our own faith.
— Richard Bushman, co-executive director