The Delicate Ties That Bind

Claremont Graduate University
Peggy Phelps Gallery and East Gallery

Claremont, California
October 19, 2024 - November 1, 2024

The Delicate Ties That Bind explores the precariousness of post-pandemic existence, focusing on the complex and often fragile relationships that shape our lives. The exhibition delves into the intersections of social and geographic communities, religious institutions, political systems, the land, and personal connections. Through this lens, the featured artists examine the delicate threads that weave together our shared experiences in a world forever changed by recent global events.

The eight participating artists have a connection to Southern California or Claremont Graduate University. The exhibition is curated by Megan Knobloch Geilman.

The exhibition opening will feature a panel discussion with Amanda Beardsley and Mason Kamana Allred, co-editors of Latter-day Saint Art: A Critical Reader, published by Oxford University Press. The panel, moderated by Glen Nelson, will be held October 19, at 4:30 p.m. in the Albrecht Auditorium on the campus of Claremont Graduate University. All are invited.

From 6:00-9:00 p.m., in the Peggy Phelps Gallery and the East Gallery, all are invited to an opening reception with remarks at 6:30 by the curator, artists, and the dean of the School of Arts and Humanities.

Jackie Leishman


This exhibition was developed through the generosity of the Claremont Mormon Studies Program and in collaboration with the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts.

We gratefully acknowledge the following:

Curatorial team and artists:

Megan Knobloch Geilman, curator
Participating artists: To come
Glen Nelson, director of special projects
Cameron King, exhibition graphic designer

Claremont Graduate University:

Matthew Bowman, Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies
David Pagel, Professor, Claremont Graduate University
Kim Alexander, Gallery, studio, and shop manager, Art & Music departments

For the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts:

Mykal Urbina, executive director
Richard L. Bushman, chairman of the board
Stanley Hainsworth, chairman of the board-elect
Glen Nelson, director of special projects
Emily Spung, administrative assistant
Ron Schneider, finances
Hannah Keime, social media intern