Art at Home

Designed to help individuals and families bring more art into their lives, Art at Home is an exploration into art principles & techniques using art by and about Latter-day Saints as principal examples. Adults, teens, and kids alike can work their way through the outlined lessons of principles, videos, and projects.
Rooted in a fresh approach to art education, it explores how we create, study, interpret, and value art—breaking down barriers that often make visual art feel hard to understand. Developed with insights from leading scholars, the course challenges traditional art narratives, embraces a broader view of objects and their cultural significance, and encourages meaningful conversations about art in everyday life.
College & University Syllabuses
The Center has commissioned leading scholars and educators to create materials for self-study or classroom courses on topics of visual art, music, film, poetry, and popular culture. Each course includes a semester’s worth of readings, discussions, and assignments. Are you ready to learn? Or would you like to take these materials and use them at your school? If you are a teacher or scholar and teach a course on Latter-day Saint Arts, consider submitting your syllabus to the Center.
By Laura Allred Hurtado
The purpose of this course is to expand a definition of Mormon art through readings, careful looking, and discussion. In each session, students will explore a case study—an in-depth exploration of one or a handful of works that stand as an example of a larger idea, concept, or theme—that will be explored each week, with the support of scholarly text and research, approaching each work with formal and critical analysis.
By Jeremy Grimshaw
This course will explore music within the history and culture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Drawing on methods from various disciplines, including musicology, ethnomusicology, media studies, etc., the course will examine the development of musical practices within the institutional Church as well as across varied historical and cultural strata of Latter-day Saint experience. Topics will range from historical hymnology (the study of congregational music), to “classical” music by LDS composers, to the diverse musical expressions of LDS musicians around the world, to the impact of broadcast and social media on LDS musics. The course will culminate in a presentation and research paper, by each student, on a current topic related to musical practices within the Church or its members.
By Lance Larsen
To provide an historical overview of postmodern and contemporary poetry.
To sharpen through discussion and writing your analytical and evaluative skills.
To provide a detailed reading of the work of eight contemporary religious poets (four of them LDS)
To make you better readers of both fixed form and free verse poetry by concentrating on poetic elements such as rhyme, rhythm, meter, syntax, diction, style, enjambment, irony, imagery, symbol, and persona.
To help you apply a variety of critical approaches and reading strategies (formalist, historical, sociological, biographical, psychological, archetypal, feminist, post-structuralist, etc.) to contemporary poetry.
To emphasize the ethical responsibilities of reading.
To have a walloping good time.
“To untie [ourselves], to do penance and disappear / Through the upper right-hand corner of things, to say grace.” (Charles Wright).
By Eowyn Wilcox McComb
The purpose of this course is to examine some of the issues and themes in the visual arts of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from its restoration in 1830 to the current day, as well as to explore the position of Latter-Day Saint artwork within the wider historical and cultural context of western art history.
Each of the thirteen units will interrogate the assumptions in this purpose statement. There are many unanswered questions: What is Latter-Day Saint art? Who makes it? Who has the right to label an artist or an artwork as Latter-Day Saint? Is it appropriate to categorize artists and artworks according to religion? The attempt to categorize or interpret artists by a single trait, such as race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation, risks flattening and simplifying their artwork. Worse still, artists who are sorted into such subgroups are rarely considered within the wider historical and cultural context of their time and among the full range of their artistic peers. Students should remember this throughout the course, which attempts to consider the problem of “Latter-Day Saint art” from many different angles and perspectives.
By Mason Allred
This course is designed around the concept of Latter-day Saint cinema as a "minor literature," constructed within a major language. In this sense, Latter-day Saint motion pictures can be seen as showcasing and shaping religious practice, belief, identity, and culture within the major and established language of cinema. From its earliest years cinema became a site to debate the prospect of fitting Mormons into the modern world. Could it also facilitate the modernization of Mormons? With an increasing awareness of public image and the medium's potential, Latter-day Saints entered the public sphere of cinema to express their worldview. As it did for other minority groups, cinema offered Saints opportunities to celebrate, critique, and work through their culture and religious tradition.
By Kimberly Johnson
This class will survey the development of a strong tradition of devotional poetry in the Anglophone tradition, and discover its application in and influence on Mormon literature. We will begin our conversation with a brief introduction to the genre’s earliest expressions in the hymns of ancient Greece and Rome and of the Bible, and its development in early Christian lyrics. We will discover how medieval Scholastics used poetry to augment affectively their intellectual engagements with Christianity, which together would govern the later expansion of lyric poetry in English, both secular and sacred. Shaped both by the generic fashions of continental literature and the upheavals in continental theology, the devotional lyric in English sees an unprecedented efflorescence during the Reformation and post-Reformation eras, and establishes this mode of poetic writing as central to the literary landscape. This seminal period codifies the conventions and expectations of the devotional lyric, and influences its development for the succeeding centuries up until the present day.
By April Makgoeng
What role does media play in the construction of religious identity in America? Inspired by the Harvard Religious Literacy Initiative (RLI), this course considers how journalism, film, television, and social media influence American perceptions of religion. Based on America’s significant daily consumption of screen content, media "may well be the primary site where Americans encounter other religions.”[1] For this reason, American audiences need be equipped to critically analyze religious representations in the media. Using a cultural studies approach introduced by Stuart Hall, this class will examine media producers, text, and audiences. What are the motivations, intentions, and backgrounds of the producers and publishers? Do the media narratives, themes, and characters reinforce religious stereotypes or challenge them? How are religious complexities, controversies, and sacred beliefs portrayed? Do audiences accept or reject the intended message? As a case study, this class will survey a range of media produced about, by, and/or for Mormons.