Board of Directors

Governance of fiscal, artistic, and organizational issues pertaining to the Center.

Stanley Hainsworth, chairman

Monica Heslington

Mary Ann Lee

Glen Nelson

Gabriel González

Brad Pelo

David Simmons 

Jennifer Wilcox

Richard Bushman, co-founder and chairman emeritus

Stanley Hainsworth, Board of Directors Chair

Advisory Board

Provides a deep pool of resources to advise the Center and its Boards.

Warren S. Winegar, chair

William P. Benac

Kent Blosil

Caitlin Connolly

James & Kathy Crapo

Kathie Debenham

James E. Faulconer

Kevin Jones & Lita Little Giddins

James Goldberg

Laura Allred Hurtado

Margaret Olsen Hemming

Brian Kershisnik

Lance Larsen

Ryan Morley

Linda Nearon

Jeff Parkin

Steven L. Peck

Jenny Reeder

Rosalie Erekson Stone

Benjamin Taylor

Ruth Todd

Chase Westfall

Warren S. Winnegar, Advisory Board Chair

Race, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

Provides a deep pool of resources to advise the Center and its Boards on matters of artistic and organizational inclusion and equitable programming.

Kevin Jones & Lita Little Giddins, co-chairs

Fidalis Buehler

Kwani Winder

Tyrone Whitehorse

Lita Giddins & Kevin Jones, Committee Co-chairs

Executive Team

  • Mykal Urbina

    Executive Director

  • Glen Nelson

    Co-Founder, Director of Special Projects

  • Veronica Harvey

    Director of Marketing and Communications

  • Emily Spung

    Administrative Assistant, Residency Project Manager