Center Gallery

The Center was given a one-year lease for an empty space by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Located diagonally across the street from Lincoln Center in New York City, it was at street level of the Manhattan New York Temple. During the darkest months of Covid, the Center completed a gut renovation to turn the dilapidated deli space into a beautiful, 1,000 sq. ft. gallery. The Center Gallery opened June 18, 2021. For the next year, the gallery mounted five ambitious exhibitions, published related books, and held many lectures, presentations, concerts, and events. The gallery closed when the lease expired, May 31, 2022.

The exhibitions and events below fully archive the exhibitions and activities of the gallery.


The Center Gallery wishes to thank deeply Roy and Carol Christensen; and Samuel S. and Diane P. Stewart for their generous sponsorship of the gallery.

Exhibitions were made possible by Dan and Allyson Chard and donors to the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts.

Center Gallery Committee:

Glen Nelson, gallery manager

Claudia Bushman

Richard Bushman

Allyson Chard

Emily Larsen Doxford

Marilee Moe

Deanna Pilling

Ashlee Whitaker

Warren Winegar

Volunteer gallery staff:

Claudia Bushman

Richard Bushman

Claire Forste

Ena Fowles

Marcia Nelson

Walter Rane

Leilani Rigby

Tyran Schouten

Additional staff:

Elizabeth Hunt, gallery associate

Cameron King, graphic designer

Deanna Pilling, construction project manager

Chase Westfall, preparator

For the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts:

Richard Bushman, co-executive director

Glen Nelson, co-executive director

Allyson Chard, managing director

Mykal Urbina, incoming executive director

Emily Larsen Doxford, director of marketing & communications

Ron Schneider, finances