Center for the Latter-Day Saint Arts
2022 Annual Report
The Center Gallery completed its operations at the end of May. (Its lease was for one year after opening.) In its unbeatable location across the street from Lincoln Center and under the eaves of the Manhattan New York temple, all but one of its five exhibitions took place in this fiscal year. Nearly 10,000 visitors viewed the exhibitions, and depending upon the show, 70-90% of those in the gallery were from the community rather than members of the Church. In all, exhibitions featured 57 artists from 12 countries. Among the highlights of the Center Gallery were two book-length publications and notable exhibitions on the sacred feminine, depression-era photographs of Utah, and art created during the early months of the pandemic by LDS people around the world.

Beginning in January 2022 and running without interruption thereafter was a weekly program in the Center Gallery of lecture presentations, concerts, readings, figure drawing classes, film screenings, and vocal master classes. Some of these were collaborations with other institutions, including Brigham Young University and The Juilliard School. The culminating event in the popular series was a three-day festival of new musicals written by LDS songwriting teams. Each of the exhibitions remain in full (images and texts) on the gallery’s website.

2022 marked the inauguration of the Endowment with a call for LDS composers to submit proposals to write a song cycle for the illustrious, international opera soprano, Rachel Willis-Sørensen. She will premiere the work at a future date. A jury of composers, singers, and professionals (who would be the envy of any international vocal gathering) selected a winner: S. Andrew Lloyd, from San Antonio, Texas. He will compose a work for soprano and piano setting the Francis Thompson poem, “The Hound of Heaven.” The Endowment has already raised more than half of its target amount of $150,000, the investment income of which will fund annual prizes honoring the legacy of Ariel Bybee, in perpetuity.

The Center collaborated with the Mormon History Association (MHA) in sponsoring its annual conference, adding arts sessions to the usual program of historical explorations. The 2022 conference, held at Utah State University in Logan, opened with a concert of LeRoy Robertson music by Craig Jessop’s American Festival Chorus and a fascinating brief sketch of Robertson’s career. Preceding the concert, attendees enjoyed a gorgeous exhibition of art by Latter-day Saints at the nearby Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art. From there the conference continued with two solid days of inspiring presentations, over sixty in all, the largest number ever in MHA history.
In June 2022, the Center presented I AM: The Journey, a celebration of global, Latter-day Saint voices through art, music and dance. This family-friendly, multi-disciplinary stage performance and accompanying visual arts exhibition was sponsored by Deseret Book and Allyson & Dan Chard and took place at the Conference Center Theater in SLC on June 18, 2022.
I AM: The Journey was led by the Center’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and co-produced and co-directed by Kevin and Lita Giddins. The I AM visual arts exhibition, curated by Kwani Povi Winder, was then on display at the Flagship City Creek location of Deseret Book through July 31, 2022. A documentary featuring the artists of I AM: The Journey aired on KSL in October 2022.

The Center launched one of its most ambitious projects to date in September: The Season 22/23, a comprehensive, one-year aggregation of cultural works by Latter-day Saint artists and creators around the world and throughout Latter-day Saint (Mormon) culture. The Season includes a database of thousands of current cultural events projects around the world, classified by genre, artist, content and/or synopsis, venue and event details. A monthly publication expounds upon these listings, with editorial content by qualified contributors who are making sense of the Latter-day Saint cultural texture. Guided by an editorial board of thought leaders working in various disciplines and locations, The Season's editorial content is a framework for readers to think through the cultural discourse and foster an elevated artistic community.

It has been a banner year for the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts, but then every year is. This one was marked above all by the arrival of our new executive director, Mykal Urbina, who comes to us from working at the New York Philharmonic and the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Orange County, California. Mykal has taken hold of our diverse operations with professional finesse and kept us going through a complicated year. She has fulfilled all of our expectations for what for us is a major change in our organizational structure.
The history of philanthropic organizations shows that virtually all of them in time pass through a transition from a mainly volunteer organization to a mix of volunteers and professional staff. Success means growth, and growth brings more complicated operations. The Center’s operations have constantly broadened ever since our founding in 2017 and now require full-time oversight and expert strategizing.
We have expanded because we wish to support the entire creative process from the beginning with the artists, through performance and display for audiences, to study and analysis by scholars. The creative process, we believe, does not end when a work of art is completed. The process continues until it is absorbed into the culture. So besides supporting artists, we have programs to help our patrons bring art into everyday life. We sponsor scholarly study and critical analysis. We produce podcasts, teaching manuals, conferences and seminars. Our ultimate aim is to enhance art and learning in Latter-day Saint society and to make this culture visible to the world at large.
High ambitions to be sure, but suitable for our people and our culture and within reach, we believe, with people like Mykal helping out.
Richard Bushman
Chair, Board of Directors

Donations Received October 1, 2021 - December 18, 2022
The Beesley Family Foundation
Kem and Carolyn Gardner
The Foulger Family Foundation
Stanley Hainsworth
The Sam and Diane Stewart Family Foundation
Richard and Claudia Bushman
Dan and Allyson Chard
Kathleen and James Crapo
Deseret Book
Tom and Maureen Sederberg
Joel and Colleen Wiest
Jennifer Wilcox
Gary and Marilyn Baughman in memory of Milo Baughman
Linda S. Daines
Brad and Melody Pelo
Kimberley Stewart
Rosalie Stone
D. Page Busken
Anne-Marie Wright Lampropoulos
Deanna and Peter Pilling
Kenneth G. Shelley
Matthew and Jane Darger Thomas
Dave and Rachel Weidman
Witness Music STL
Ryan and Shima Baughman
Jason Bond
Dwight Blazin
Kristin Christensen
Colin and Julie Cropper
Kimberly and Derek Ence
Chris and Hedy Eyre
The Goodliffe Family in honor of Richard Bushman's 90th birthday
Peter and Alexandra Harris
Sharon Harris and Edje Jeter
Jenna and Jeff Holt
Brent Jenson
Steve and Kalleen Lund
Neylan McBaine
Glen and Marcia Nelson
Kathleen and Bob Nilsen
Bonnie and Jim Parkin
Michael and Stephanie Percival
Jon Pinnock
Susan Robison
David Brent and Enid Magnuson Smith
Debbie Stevens and David Doxey in the memory of Joanne Bushman Doxey
Colette and Hank Taylor
David and Rachel Weidman
Clayton Williams
Cris and Janae Baird
Jason Bond
David and Jennifer Buckner
John K. and Shirley A. Carmack
Connie Chard
Bryan and Emily Davis
Kathie and Pat Debenham
Richard Breck England
Tom and Holly Holst
Kathryn and Andrew Kimball
June Lauper
Lauri Manbeian
Neylan McBaine
Glen and Marcia Nelson
Erika Anderson Neu
Amy and Greg Pal
Patrick Perkins
Brian E. Powell
Carolyn and Boyd Richards
John and Helen Stone
David and Marné Stott
Sariah Toronto
Robert Turley
Kay and Heidi Ashton Family
Bill Atkinson
Jonathan and Cynthia Austin
Darrell and Jenny Babidge
Steven D. and Marjorie Bennion
Amy Bentley
Preston and Rachel Blair
Serge Bushman and Patricia Shelley
Jeffrey Butler
Jared and Adrienne Cardon
John and Reva Corrigan
Cathleen and Brent Croxton
Rose Datoc Dall
Ben Darger
C. Brooklyn and Jill Mulvay Derr
Lisa Draper
Chester and Heidi Elton
Michele and David Erekson
Linda and Rob Etherington
Ena and Michael Fowles
Laurel Galli
Leslie Graff
Jon and Katie Groberg
Stephen Hodson
Nelson Holmes
Tom and Holly Holst
Craig Jessop
Whitney Johnson
James C. and Mary H. Johnston
Nina Johnston in memory of Phyllis Liljenquist Leishman
Jane and Dan Jones
Amber and Derek Keller
Elizabeth Knight
Greg and Cynthia Kofford
Dave and Margaret Lazenby
Mary Ann W. Lee
Adelynn Mejia
Matthew and Mary Maroon
Andrew and Liz Maxfield
Marilyn McPhie
Carole Mikita
Megan A. Nebeker
Karen Parkinson
Bob Payne
Charles Randall and Jann Paul
Gayla and Ferril Sorenson
Justin Wheatley
Anonymous (7 donors)
Mason Allred
Paola Bidinelli
Pamela Bigger
Cindy Butikofer
Scott and Vicki Christensen
Todd Coleman
Stefanie Condie
J Davis
Zachary Davis
Francisco Estévez Díaz
Laura Erekson
Elise Faust
Jane Feldman
Sherman Feher
Dylan Findley
Megan and Ben Geilman
Mark Graham
Maggie Golightly Haslam
Brittany Hall
Laura Paulsen Howe
Laura Allred Hurtado
Cornelia Jensen
Eric Jepson
Aaron Johnston
Mary Louise Lillian
David and Sara Lindsay
Ron Linn
Julián Mansilla
Brent Meacham
Esther Megargel
Adam and Gwen Miller
Dula Parkinson
Taylor Petrey
Douglas Pew
Margaret Flather Rogers
Megan Roxas
Ben Sabey
David Sargent
Ron Schneider
Sylvie Scowcroft and Mark Thomas
Rhonda Seamons
Tara Lynn Tanner
Jonette Cahoon Vaughan
Austin Walters
Chase Westfall
Clinton Whiting
Ethan Wickman
Darlene Young
Board of Directors
Richard Bushman, chairman
Glen Nelson
Allyson Chard
Claudia Bushman, historian
Jason Bond, treasurer
Mary Ann Lee
Brad Pelo
Monica Heslington
Stanley Hainsworth
Center Gallery Committee
Claudia Bushman
Richard Bushman
Claire Forste
Ena Fowles
Emily Larsen Doxford
Marilee Moe
Deanna Pilling
Walter Rane
Leilani Rigby
Tyran Schouten
Ashlee Whitaker
Warren Winegar
Race, Diversity, & Inclusion Committee
Fidalis Buehler
Camlyn Giddins
Lita Little Giddins, co-head
Kevin Giddins, co-head
Kwani Povi Winder
Tyrone Whitehorse
Editorial Board, The Season
Charlie Bird
Ted Bushman
Kathie Debenham
Gabriel González
Brian Kershisnik
Jeff Parkin
Arisael Rivera
Madeline Rupard
Joël René Scoville
Benjamin Taylor
Kwani Winder
Warren Winegar
Advisory Board
Barbara and Bill Benac
Dan Chard
Caitlin Connolly
Dr. James and Kathy Crapo
Kathie Debenham
Jennifer Wilcox
James Faulconer
Lita Little Giddins
Kevin Giddins
James Goldberg
Margaret Olsen
Laura Hurtado
Brian Kershisnik
Lance Larsen
Ryan Morley
Linda Nearon
Jeff Parkin
Steven Peck
Jenny Reeder
Rosalie E. Stone
Benjamin Taylor
Ruth Todd
Chase Westfall
Colleen Wiest
Warren Winegar, head
Mykal Urbina, Executive Director
Glen Nelson, Director of Special Projects
Emily Larsen Doxford, Director of Communications & Marketing
Emily Spung, Administrative Assistant