September 30-October 6: 3 Nephi 12-16
“I Am the Law, and the Light”
Jorge Cocco Santángelo (Argentinian, born 1936)
Jesus Christ Heals the Sick in America (2008)
oil on canvas, 54 x 46 inches
Collection of the artist
Used with permission of the artist
artist’s website
Instagram: @sacrocubism
Although he is known today for a different and unique style of painting, this 2008 work by Jorge Cocco Santángelo, Jesus Christ Heals the Sick in America, presents the people of the continent from the viewpoint of his Argentinian heritage. About the painting, the artist writes, “The inspiration for this painting was to record one of the most tender moments during Jesus Christ's visit to the American continent. This glorious encounter captures two sides of the story; on the one hand the Savior pouring His divine mercy upon the people, and on the other hand the multitude that survived the cataclysm moved by faith, seeks the Lord for relief to the wide variety of sufferings, physical, spiritual and mental. Though this painting depicts a particular moment in the past, the reality of the Savior's extended hand for deliverance and the trials of faith by his children continue to resonate in our days.”
Discussion Questions:
As he taught the people in the New Testament in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus again teaches the Beatitudes, now to the Nephites at the temple in Bountiful (3 Nephi 12:3-12). After reading the Beatitudes again, in what ways do you feel blessed?
Jesus describes that our Father in Heaven "maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good" (3 Nephi 12: 45). How does Jesus teach us to treat others in this description? How does this describe the mercy (and justice) of the Atonement of Jesus Christ (his "son")?
These chapters include a very concentrated retelling of the teachings of Jesus. Which touch your heart presently and why?
Questions for Youth & Children:
This week is General Conference. Jesus told the people "Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you" (3 Nephi 12:1). Jesus is talking about the Twelve Apostles then and we have Twelve Apostles now. Who are the Twelve Apostles now? What did you hear them teach us in General Conference? What are you going to do to follow their advice?
Jesus encourages us to forgive others (3 Nephi 13:14-15). Think about this week when someone did something that made you feel mad or sad. What can you do to show that you forgive that person? How does forgiveness make you feel when you forgive? Did you do anything this week that made someone else feel mad or sad? How does forgiveness make you feel when you are forgiven?
Activity: Give everyone in your family or study group a candle and sit in a circle or around a table. Light the candle of one person as they tell about something good that they did this week. Then go around and as each person tells of something good that they have done, light their candle. What happens to the amount of light in the room? How does this experience relate to what Jesus taught about doing good works (3 Nephi 12:14-16)?