Summer School

1. Why should adults have all the fun? Literal is a platform that seeks to make reading as fun for young people as social media. Books are placed into groups with a chat format, like social media, but, you know, smarter. Free to register for recommendations.

2. Somewhere in the world, $5,000 in gold has been buried and is the prize (for two) for the treasure hunt. Brainchase is a learning adventure program for K-12 students and their families with animations, interactive rooms, and a global competition. Other programs include weekly camps with hands-on learning. $99/week, $249 for the six-week hunt.

3. Some of the world’s best outdoors athletes and adventurers give you-gotta-try-this courses on what they love: backcountry skiing, trail running, climbing, mountain biking, fly fishing, and more. Masterclasses for the non-couch potato. Multi-video lessons and webinars are produced by Crux Academy. Free.

4. Exponent II, a feminist space for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum, offers two kinds of virtual writing workshop series. Both encourage and empower writers to tell their stories. No fee but registration required.

5. The AML Online Book Club meets monthly to do what great books groups do: talk about books, old and new. Being sponsored by the Association for Mormon Letters, titles are from the broad range of LDS authors. The June book up for discussion is Beehive Girl by Mikayla Thatcher. No fee, updated schedule on the association’s Facebook page.

6. Composer Robert Anton Strobel offers The Resilient Composer Course aimed at the composer who needs a jolt to help with the tools and knowledge for the aspirational composer.  July 24-September 9, deadline is July 9. $177-677.

7. If you’re lucky enough to be in the Orem, Utah area this summer, SCERA is rolling out summer camps for kids, teens, and adults. The short-duration classes include jewelry making, tap, musical theater, singing, illustration, magic, hip hop, songwriting, painting, and more. Tuition prices vary by course duration, starting at $60.

8. You can play video games, but can you write music for them? Students ages12+ are invited to apply for the Music Creators Academy Video Game Scoring Summer Workshop taught by award-winning composers Benjamin Taylor and Jeff Broadbent; the latter has composed music for some of the most successful game franchises in the world. July 3-15. $399 ($349 early bird tuition).


Kevin Jones Giddins


Road Trip