On The List: Insta-Artist


Globalize your feed

How can you expand your own list of artists to follow? Although many visual artists have gallery representation and show regularly, the majority do not. They rely on their websites and social media to share with collectors and fans what they are doing. 

With the goal of helping you learn about artists who are likely new to you, we’ve compiled a list of ten artists’ Instagram feeds who are living and working outside the U.S.

Georgina Bringas (Mexico) - georginabringas

Kazuko K. Covington (Japan) - kazuko_covington

José de Faria (Portugal) - josedefaria.art

Hildebrando de Melo (Angola) - hildebrando_de_melo

Melvin Lans (Colombia) - melvinlans

Daniel Martinez (Uruguay) - danielmartinez.art

Ricardo Rendón (Mexico) - ricardorendon2014

José Ramon Riveros (Chile) - joseramonriveros

Susana I. Silva (Argentina) - suisslo_papercutting

Shohei Takahashi (Japan) - shohei.taka


Waiting for The Chosen


Ammon and Liahona Olayan