March 10-16: D&C 20-22
"The Rise of the Church of Christ"
Michael Clane Graves (American, 1939-2017)
The Fourth Article of Faith (c. 1975)
Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 79 inches
Brigham Young University Museum of Art
In The Fourth Article of Faith, artist Michael Clane Graves distills the foundational principles of the gospel into bold, geometric forms. Against a deep red background, faith stretches upward, repentance and baptism shift from darkness to light, and the Holy Ghost radiates like fire. These core principles take center stage in Doctrine & Covenants 20–22, as the Lord establishes His Church, outlines its ordinances, and calls all to repent and be baptized. Just as the icons in Graves’ painting suggest pathways, movement, and transformation, these revelations remind us that the gospel is a living, active journey—one that leads us closer to Christ.
Historical Reflections
“Our readings for March are bookended by two classic revelations. Section 20 is the closest thing we have to a constitution for the church. It rehearses basic doctrines and specifies priesthood offices. It also contains the sacrament prayers, the scriptures we hear in church meetings more than any others. Section 29 is a revelation on the times. It situates the church in the millennial calendar. What is to happen before the end and what happened at the beginning when Adam and Eve were first placed on earth. These two revelations gave the young church an idea of where it was headed.”
- Richard Bushman; author, historian, and co-founder of the Center
Discussion Questions
Even after the remarkable events of the First Vision, Joseph Smith became “entangled again in the vanities of the world” (D&C 20:5). Which “vanities of the world” are particularly entangling to you? What do you do to untangle yourself? How do the admonitions of verse 33 help you in this process (“take heed and pray always”)?
How does knowing that our Heavenly Father “created man, male and female, after his own image and in his own likeness” (D&C 20:18) impact the way you think about your own body? What specific physical characteristics do you have that show a divine family resemblance?
Section 20 instructs in the structure of the Church. How does structure help you worship?
For Children & Youth
Hi. Have you memorized the fourth article of faith? In this art, see if you can spot the first important steps in the gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Each shape moves in a different direction—faith reaches up, repentance and baptism go from dark to light, and the Holy Ghost shines like fire. In Doctrine & Covenants 20–22, Jesus teaches that His Church must be built on these same steps. He told Joseph Smith how the Church should be organized and invited everyone to be baptized and follow Him. Just like in the painting, the gospel helps us move forward and grow closer to Jesus!
Discussion Questions
Our Church was organized on Jesus' birthday (D&C 20:1). How do you think the organization of the Church would have been a good way to celebrate Jesus' birthday?
In our Church, we have very few prayers that are said exactly the same every time, but in our study this week there are three of these types of prayers: (1) the baptismal prayer (D&C 20:73); (2) the sacrament prayer over the bread (D&C 20:77) and (3) the sacrament prayer over the water (D&C 20:79). Why do you think these prayers use exactly same words every time?
Jesus tells us why we must listen closely to the words of the prophet (D&C 21:4-9). What is something that President Russell M. Nelson has told us lately? When you do what the prophet asks, how have you been blessed?
Art project
There are many references in this week’s reading to how we walk: “a godly walk” and “walking in holiness” (D&C 20:69); “walking in all holiness before me” (D&C 21:4). Shoes are often designed with a specific purpose or activity in mind. Design a pair of shoes for a godly walk of holiness. What do they look like and what about those shoes will help you walk in this way?