March 17-23 D&C 23-26
“Seek for the Things of a Better World”
Esther Megargel (American, born 1942)
Songs of Comfort and Joy for Soprano, Piano and Flute (2021)
Collection of the artist
Used with permission of the artists
Section 25 of the Doctrine and Covenants is a revelation given to Emma Smith. This “elect lady” is charged to “make a selection of sacred hymns, as it shall be given thee, which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church. For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads” (D&C 25: 11-12).
Composer Esther Megargel created three songs based on the Psalms as part of the Center’s Art for Uncertain Times. The video performance above is by Melissa Heath, soprano, Christina Castelanos, flute, and Christian Asplund, piano. Esther writes, “In keeping with Emma Smith’s prayerful songs, 'Hide Not Thyself from Me’ is filled with assurance and comfort from the Lord. ‘My Soul is Quiet’ provides a calming influence upon those who suffer. ‘I Will Sing Unto the Lord’ is written to lift hearts and bring joy to those who listen with the spirit.”
Discussion Questions
Joseph Knight, and all of us by extrapolation, are instructed by Jesus to “pray vocally before the world” and to pray “in secret,” as well as to “pray in your family, and among your friends,” and finally to pray “in all places” (D&C 23:6). Think about your prayers. Why do you think we are instructed to pray in each of these ways? How have your prayers in all of these different settings blessed you and/or others?
While D&C 25 was given to Emma Smith, Jesus finishes the revelation by saying “this is my voice unto all” (D&C 25:16). In this revelation, Emma is told to “expound scriptures, and to exhort the church, according as it shall be given thee by my Spirit” (D&C 25:7) and to be “given to writing, and to learning much” (D&C 25:8). What do these verses teach about the role of women in the Church? If you are a woman, how does this make you feel about your voice at Church? If you are a man, how might this affect the way you hear women’s voices?
How does cleaving unto your covenants help you to lift up your heart and rejoice (D&C 25:13)? What does it mean to you to “cleave” and how does this describe your relationship to a specific covenant that you have made with the Lord?
For Children & Youth
Hi. Have you ever written a song? A composer who has selected some words to set to music has a lot of decisions to make. What kinds of performers should be involved? What should it sound like? How should the words become music? When we speak, we are making music. Our sentences have rhythm, and our voice rises and falls in pitch. These are some of the elements of music. When listening to a song for the first time, it can be fun to have the words in front of you, read through them, and imagine how some of those words might sound. Then listen to the composer’s music and see what decisions she or he made in order to create the song.
Discussion Questions
Signs sometimes tell us to "beware" of something dangerous. Jesus tells Oliver Cowdery to "beware of pride" (D&C 23:1; He also tells the same thing to Emma Smith in D&C 25:14). Why is pride dangerous and something to be-wary of?
When you raise your hand in Sacrament Meeting to sustain someone in a new calling, you are participating in the law of "common consent" (D&C 26:2). Why do you think this is an important part of receiving a calling in the Church?
Recently a whole bunch of new songs have been added to the Hymnbook and many of these new songs are not very familiar to us, not like the old ones that we know well and love. Help your family to learn one of the new songs. Maybe a good one would be "Amazing Grace" (no.1010). This was a hymn included in an early version of our hymnbook in 1841. You could do some internet research about the author (John Newton) who wrote the words to the song. Knowing of his life experience will help you understand and appreciate the words even more.