Daniel Everett


Arriving at the NY Art Book Fair this October is the newest publication by artist Daniel Everett, Vantage Point, in collaboration with artist, Mårten Lange, and published by Actual Source Books. The project came into being after a serendipitous realization between the two artists that they were both photographing the same buildings of Tokyo at different times of day. Where Lange’s camera casts a soft, atmospheric grisaille on skyscrapers and intersections of the city, Everett reveals the buildings with a stark clarity. He discloses systems of man-made control such as safety nets, wiring, and scaffolding that suggest the tenuous line between chaos and order in urbanity. Their visions of Tokyo interplay to suggest two distinct, valid ways of seeing a city. To add a monochromatic film, as Lange has done, is to purposely obscure and instill mystery; Everett’s approach to clear the air around it and present it in sharp detail is to hand all information over and let the viewer interpret and judge for themselves. Everett evidently trusts you with that task.

Daniel Everett is a prolific visual artist with a history of solo shows, two monographs, and whose work no less than inspired the Swiss designer, Nolan Paparelli, to create the typeface, “Everett.” As an Associate Professor of Art at BYU, his impact on the young artists of Provo, Utah is undeniable. He helped pave the way for conceptual thinking in the Fine Arts program, designing classes that exposed students to artists such as Félix González-Torres and Jenny Holzer while challenging them to think and work beyond traditional mediums into new dimensions of sound art, performance, and installation. Off-campus he operates a gallery space, Arcade on Stadium, holding regular exhibitions and providing a model of engaging with the real world and building community where you are planted. If you are near New York, be sure to check out his work at Actual Source’s booth at Printed Matter’s NY Art Book Fair, October 13-16, 2022 at 548 W 22nd Street.—Madeline Rupard (The book will soon be available worldwide on actualsource.org.)




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