In the Abyss by Susana Isabel Silva

1 . Susana Isabel Silva, In the Abyss

We are thrilled to offer the work of Susana Isabel Silva for the benefit of the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts. The cut paper work was exhibited at the Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum as part of the Center exhibition, Materializing Mormonism: Trajectories in Contemporary Latter-day Saint Art. Silva’s composition references a scene from the Book of Mormon in which the Jaredite people are led to the Americas. Their experience included crossing the tumultuous ocean in compact, barge-like ships.

And it came to pass that they were many times buried in the depths of the sea, because of the mountain waves which broke upon them, and also the great and terrible tempests which were caused by the fierceness of the wind … therefore when they were encompassed about by many waters, they did cry unto the Lord, and he did bring them forth again upon the top of the waters.(Ether 6: 6-7)

For Silva, In the Abyss represents her affinity with the Jaredite story, which she connects to her trust in God as He has guided her throughout her life. Like the Jaredites tossed on the waves of the sea, the intense red hue of the paper engulfs the pinprick of gold in the center, creating a sensation of smallness before the immensity of the surrounding space.

Silva says,

Reconozco que el Señor me sustenta para poder al fin vencer al mundo, con sus desolaciones, sus contrastes y altibajos sin perder la visión de la tierra prometida.

(I recognize that the Lord sustains me to finally overcome the world, with its desolations, its contrasts, and ups and downs, without losing sight of the promised land.)

Susana Isabel Silva (Argentine, born 1976)
In the Abyss, 2020
Cut Fabriano paper, framed dimensions: 25 x 28 inches
Note: The work has been sold.
Sold to benefit the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts