November 25 - December 1: Ether 12-15
"By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled"
Paige Crosland Anderson (American, born 1989)
Peace of Wild Things (2020)
Acrylic and oil on panel, 18 x 18 inches
Private collection
Used with permission of the artist, @paigecanderson
After nearly completing the painting, Peace of Wild Things, the artist Paige Crosland Anderson decided to turn it on its side and change its orientation. She writes, “I hadn’t planned on it going this way, but I think I like it better. That’s what I thought when I photographed and cropped this almost-finished commission. And then I thought how many times I could apply that sentence to other circumstances/challenges/relationships/plans, etc. Somehow, some way, things often work out. And sometimes it’s for the better that they got turned on their side.”
Discussion Questions
1. Moroni explains the power of faith through a series of examples (Ether 12:7-22). He introduces these examples with the phrase, "it was by faith that" someone was able to do something. If he had included you in his series of examples, how would he have completed the sentence: "It was by faith that ...."?
2. Moroni evidences his personal insecurities when he writes about his concern that readers will mock what he has written because of his "weakness in writing" (Ether 12:23). In response to these concerns, the Lord tells Moroni that "fools mock" (Ether 12:26) and that weaknesses can become strengths (Ether 12:27). And Moroni was comforted (Ether 12:29). What does this teach you about acknowledging to the Lord your insecurities?
3. According to Moroni, if we do not overlay our talents with charity, our talents will be taken away (Ether 12:34-35). What talents do you have? How can you demonstrate charity in using your talents?
For Children & Youth
1. Moroni taught three things about faith: (1) "faith is things which are hoped for and not seen"; (2) "dispute not because ye see not"; and (3) " for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith" (Ether 12:6). How can you explain these principles in your own words? From your experience, what examples do you have for any of these principles?
2. Why do you think the men slept on their swords (for example, Ether 15:20). What is something that is such a great protection to you that you want to keep it close?
3. Who do you know who has great faith? How does that faith show in the way they treat other people and respond to hard things in their lives? What can you do to increase your faith?