December 23–29: Christmas

"He Shall Come Into the World to Redeem His People"

Nathan Pacheco
Performance of “Ave Maria”
(originally composed by Franz Schubert in 1825)
Accompanied by Leo Z
artist’s website

In this final lesson of the year, we bring our study of the Book of Mormon to a close, and place our focus on it’s main message: that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. From Nephi’s vision of the Virgin Mary and her divine Son to Moroni’s final testimony of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon is a profound witness of the Savior’s role in Heavenly Father’s plan. This Christmas season, as we celebrate the miraculous birth of the Son of God, we can draw strength and inspiration from these sacred records.

Nathan Pacheco’s stirring performance of “Ave Maria” beautifully reflects reverence and love for the Savior and His mother, Mary, who played an essential role in the story of redemption. As you listen, you may envision the birth of Jesus Christ, and ponder how this “nativity scene” of the Virgin Mary and her Son were seen in visions by Book of Mormon prophets, pointing to Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Savior.

Hail Mary, full of grace,

The Lord is with thee;

Blessed art thou among women,

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners,

Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

May this season fill your heart with joy and a deeper connection to the Savior’s mission. Merry Christmas!

Discussion Questions:

  1. In 1 Nephi 11:13–23, Nephi describes a vision of the Virgin Mary and the Savior’s birth. How does this vision deepen your understanding of Mary’s role in God’s plan and the significance of Christ’s coming? How does Nathan Pacheco’s performance of Ave Maria help you connect emotionally or spiritually to this sacred event?

  2. Helaman 14:1–13 speaks of the miraculous signs surrounding the Savior’s birth. What do these signs teach us about the importance of Jesus Christ’s arrival?

  3. In Helaman 14:1–13, Samuel the Lamanite speaks of the signs of Christ’s birth that will light the world. How do these signs remind us of Christ’s mission to bring light and hope to us all?

For Children & Youth:

  1. Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus Christ. How do you think she felt knowing she was part of such an important plan? When you listen to the song Ave Maria, what feelings or thoughts do you have about her and her role in Jesus’s life?

  2. People in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon saw signs that Jesus was born. What are some signs we can see today that remind us of Jesus and His love for us?

  3. Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus’s birth. What are some things you and your family do to focus on Him during this season? How does listening to songs or reading stories about His birth help you remember why we celebrate Christmas?

Find More Inspiration:


December 16-22: Moroni 10