Center for Latter-day Saint Arts

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August 19-25: Alma 53-63

Preserved by His Marvelous Power

Kwani Povi Winder (Santa Clara Puebloan, born 1989)
Mothers of Helaman (2017)
oil on linen, 40 x 30 inches
Collection of the artist
Used with permission of the artist

The people of Ammon were Lamanites who had “converted unto the Lord” and were living under the protection of the Nephites. They swore an oath of pacifism, that they “never would shed blood more” (Alma 53: 10-11). As deadly conflict again neared them, “they were about to take their weapons of war” until Helaman intervened “lest by so doing they should lose their souls" (Alma 53:15). But their many sons had not made the covenant, and they took up arms with the Nephites. Is there a more beautiful story in the Book of Mormon than the two thousand stripling warriors? We read about the fate of the army through correspondence of Helaman to Moroni. He details the bravery of “his sons” who had never fought before but did not fear death and said, “Father, behold our God is with us, and he will not suffer that we should fall; then let us go forth; we would not slay our brethren if they would let us alone; therefore let us go; lest they should overpower the army of Antipus” (Alma 56: 46).

Where did this inner strength come from? Helaman continues, “…yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it” (Alma 56:47-48). Helaman concludes, “But behold, to my great joy, there had not one soul of them fallen to the earth; yea, and they had fought as if with the strength of God…” (Alma 56:56).

The painting above is by Kwani Povi Winder who writes, “Shown here is a gathering of native women in prayer, of all different ages and relations: mother and daughter, friend and neighbor. They are dressed in the traditional clothes of their people and represent the village that goes into raising a child. Mothers are not only those that bear a child, they are those who teach and love. May we each be as the Army of Helaman, and '...not doubt our mothers knew it' (Alma 56:48)."

Discussion Questions:

1. Helaman's young warriors were strong not just because of the influence of their mothers, but also of their fathers. Their fathers brought them provisions (Alma 56:27) and their mothers taught them faith and courage (Alma 56:47-48). How can parents collaborate in the work of raising their children?

2. Helaman describes how, to maintain the ground that they had taken, his soldiers "did sleep upon our swords" (Alma 57:9). What are the things that you keep closest and why (do you sleep with your phone)? How does this influence you?

3. When Helaman's army was short on provisions, they prayed to God and "he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith, and did cause us that we should hope for our deliverance in him. And we did take courage..." (Alma 58:11-12). Reflect on a time when your prayers were not answered with what you asked for, but with hope.

Questions for Youth & Children:

1.  Helaman's two thousand strpling sons were able to fight with great power and miraculous strength even though they had never fought in a battle before (Alma 56:45-48, 56).  What can you do to prepare for "the battles" that you will have to fight in your life, even though you don't know now exactly what those "battles" will look like?

2.  Helaman, Gid and Teomner made a plan to retake the city of Manti and the other cities that had been taken by the Lamanties and their plan worked (Alma 58).  They were able to take over the city "without the shedding of blood" (Alma 58:28) and not a single soldier in Helaman's army was killed (Alma 58:39).  What are some situations in your life where taking time to think about a strategy before acting can make the solution less harmful to you and others?  

3.  Activity: "We'll Bring the World His Truth" (Children's Songbook, 172-73) is a song that we sing in Primary and in Young Women's/Young Men's about Helaman's Army.  Make a music video about this song (either by yourself, or with your family or friends) recorded on your own phone or the phone of your parents.