February 24–March 2 D&C 14-17

“The Worth of Souls Is Great”

Colleen Holbrook Wiest (American, born 1955)
The Prayer Quilt (2004)
Quilt, 78 x 87 inches
Collection of the artist
Used with permission of the artist

This quilt is inspired by a painting, inset above. Quiltmaker Colleen Holbrook Wiest writes, “In 2003, when we were living in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, my friend Robin Flipse shared a bow tie quilt pattern with me. A short time later I noticed a bow tie quilt in the painting, The Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith, by Tom Lovell. It depicts Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith September 21st, 1823. I thought I could make a replica of this quilt using my new pattern. This quilt reminds me of the power of prayer, as recorded in Joseph Smith—History 1:29.  Joseph prayed seeking an answer, he prayed with faith knowing an answer would come. His prayer was answered; and when we pray with faith, ours too will be answered.”

Discussion Questions

  1. The Lord tells Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and us that once we know that the things written in the Book of Mormon are true, we are commanded to “rely upon the things which are written” (D&C 18:3). What does it mean to you to “rely upon the things which are written” in the Book of Mormon?

  2. The Lord teaches that the Holy Ghost “manifesteth all things which are expedient unto the children of men” (D&C 18:18). When have you felt the Holy Ghost to “manifest” something that was helpful to you?

  3. Jesus explains that "all men must take upon them the name which is given of the father [Jesus Christ], for in that name shall they be called at the last day" (D&C 18:23-24).  What does it mean to you to take upon you Jesus' name?  How does this impact the way that you treat yourself and others?

For Children & Youth

Hi. You might not be ready to make a sewn quilt—or maybe you are: congratulations—but you can make art work that is like a quilt. People all over the world make quilts, and many regions have their own patterns that are passed down from one generation to another. Traditional quilt patterns have geometric shapes in them that repeat. Maybe they are shapes that fit together like jigsaw puzzles: triangles, squares, stars, hexagons, and more. Maybe they are like Colleen’s bow tie pattern.

Let’s make a “quilt” together right now. We’ll make a quilt-like drawing using colored papers.

I cut out some diamond shapes in purple and lilac. Do you want to try, too? It doesn’t matter what size they are as long the angles are cut at 45 degrees and all four sides are the same length. (Triangles and squares are easier, but I was feeling ambitious today.) 

Discussion Questions

  1. You are of great worth to God (D&C 18:10).  Everyone around you is also of great worth to God.  How does it make you feel about yourself knowing of your value to God?  How can you honor God's love for you?

  2. Jesus says that we should "speak the truth in soberness" (D&C 19:21).  What do you think it means to use soberness when speaking truth?  What can you do to show respect when hearing or speaking sacred truths?

  3. When speaking about words written in the scriptures, Jesus says that "these words are not of men nor of man, but of me" (D&C 18:34).  How does this change the way that you read and listen to scriptures?

Here’s what mine looked like when I made an eight-point star by sliding the diamonds together and alternating the two colors.

Then I added more white diamonds all around.

I wanted to keep going, but I ran out of diamonds. But you get the idea. Next, I could glue or tape them to a nice background and create a square (quilters call it a quilt block), and then I could make many squares that fit together for a big, big “quilt.” 

If you need more ideas for patterns, quilters love posting patterns online. Have some fun.


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